So, at the kids' school, they have school shirts, and coats, and different things you can buy.
They also have water bottles, with the school name printed on them. But they're not really for sale. Usually you get one by WINNING THEM.
At the end of each month, there is a school spirit assembly. Awards are handed out to kids who have embodied the good "character trait of the month," and sometimes there's a draw for some small prizes... a school water bottle.
And recently, girlie came out of school all excited, because they drew her name, and she won a prize.
That's great, right?!?
But, there's only one small catch: the person who has yearned for a water bottle, dreamed of a water bottle, talked all the time about a water bottle, hoped for a water bottle, wished for a water bottle more than anyone else in the whole world... her brother.
Believe you me--we've had a LOT of talks about FREAKING WATER BOTTLES, and what "draws" are, and how do you win in a draw and oh man...let's just say for the past two school years, we've talked about it A LOT.
But the little guy didn't win. I knew how much and how long he'd wanted that stupid water bottle.
And it wasn't like he was a tantrum-y jerk about it, or freaked out, or had a melt-down about it or anything, so that you could say something motherly like; "OH BIG DEAL! NOBODY WINS ALL THE TIME. YOU SHOULD BE HAPPY FOR YOUR SISTER."
No; he was just quietly pitiful after school, as he sat by the computer to draw his pictures.
Just quiet and sad. Even worse.
That was one of the nicest things ever.
Whoo! That was boring.